[rev_slider Livework]

Title: Live/ Work Space
Date: 1999
Media: 2 live chipmunks, wood, various materials.
Location: Cities on the Move, Hayward Gallery, London

Live/ Work Space was exhibited at the Hayward Gallery as part of the the exhibition Cities on the Move, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Hou Hanru. The work involved two live chipmunks which lived at the Hayward Gallery throughout the exhibition. Working with a lawyer and an architect, a planning application was made to Lambeth Council to change the use of the footprint of land which the chipmunks lived in, to ‘live/work status’ for the duration of the exhibition. The clients of the application being, A&B Chipmunk.

Live/ Work Space was curated in association with inIVA, The Institute of International Visual Arts.