[rev_slider Halo]

Title: Halo
Date: 2008
Media: Light, performance, music, helicopter
Location: St George’s Square, Luton, UK

In 2008 Tegala was invited to create a major public artwork for the launch of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad for the East of England. Halo was two one hour events involving light, music and performance for the centre of Luton.

The event involved a one hour musical score composed and performed by Tegala, with a 30 piece orchestra comprised of pupils from local schools. The final part of the music performance was accompanied by a helicopter hovering above, whose rotor blades interacted with the amplified music of the orchestra. The central square of Luton was floodlit with a deep blue light. Around the musicians were 40 performers in specially designed white illuminated costumes. The performers were from the UK Centre for Carnival Arts. These performers interacted with the 5000 members of the audience throughout the performance.

The work was about creating a space for contemplation and bringing together the diverse local community.